Monday, April 5, 2010

19 Days...

{Picture taken during our layover on our way to Paris for Christmas}
...Until we grace the beautiful Land of the Free with our presence. Mom and Dad, don't go warning National Security.
Sadly, I must say I am going to miss this place. The weather has been at a gorgeous 78 degrees consistently for the past couple of days with nothing but blue skies. The towns are slowly coming back to life as locals are coming home from school and tourists are stopping by to enjoy a vacation in the beautiful weather laying topless on the white sandy beaches.
The energy of this place really is picking up.
But sadly, we must leave IN 19 DAYS!! WOOOHOOOO
Darn! Right when I was starting to like this place.

Cyprus again next year? We'll see!

All of you should be counting down as well because I am going to be taking our kitty, Olive back to America with us. I'm sure this adventure with kitty in tow is going to make for some fantastic stories of annoyed passengers, eye rolling, and pseudo accident elbow checks to the thighs when walking back to the bathroom (most likely from Matt for bringing her with us).
It's going to be a very entertaining flight.